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Hassle free mortgage application process

Forget endless manual checks to understand whether a potential client can afford the mortgage.

Unleash the power of Finioo to automate the entire screening process of mortgage applicants, effortlessly identify the qualified leads and close more deals with confidence.

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Why Finioo?

We instantly analyze the financial profile of your applicants


Comprehensive affordability check

Identify the maximum mortgage amount for every applicant and understand, in a matter of minutes, if the application will be successful or not.


Our credit experience at your disposal

Elevate your selection accuracy with Finioo and recommend only qualified applicants to your financing partners without sharing data with third parties.

Financial Verification

Accurate financial overview

Efficiently identify income sources, financial expenses, and potential areas of risk for each applicant.

You have never been so efficient!

Risk free
Skip manual checks
Let us worry about reading documents and extracting valuable information. Save time, ensure accuracy, and eliminate errors with Finioo.
Make informed decisions
Finioo empowers you to automatically integrate real-time document data with public sources, enabling your decision-making processes.
Close more deals
Thanks to Finioo you can instantly understand your client's needs and offer them the most suited solutions. closing deals have never been easier!

How does it work?

Your client provides us with the following documents and we generate a report

Proof of income

Pay Slips

If you are employed we need your last 3 salary slips.


Identy Documents

In order to verify yourself we need a copy of your personal ID or passport.


Bank Statements

In order to verify your income we need you to upload your latest bank statement or connect via the PSD2. 

Tax declaration

Tax Declaration

We need your last tax declaration in order to verify your income.


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Discover our platform dedicated to residential real estate 

With Finioo, you can automate the entire screening process and focus on verified applicants who best meet your financial requirements!
