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Tenant checks for peaceful rentals

Forget about document exchanges and manual checks to understand whether a potential tenant can afford the property.


Why Finioo?

We help you identifying the best tenants, so you can worry about the rest


Rank your candidates

Identify the best tenants for each listing and base your decision on accurate data and detailed information.


Smart financial check 

We collect from the uploaded documents only the necessary data-points to tell you whether a tenant can be reliable or not.


Manage multiple applicants

Our service allows you to manage multiple contract holders and also includes the figure of the guarantor.

How does it work?

Your prospective tenant uploads the following documents and we streamline your decision making process

Pay Slips

Pay Slips

For employees we request the last 3 salary slips.


Identity document

We accept copies of personal ID or passport to verify each candidates.


Bank Statements (optional)

We optionally request your latest bank statement throught PDF or PSD2. 

Tax declaration

Tax Declaration

For sole traders and entrepreneurs we request the latest tax declaration.

Discover our platform dedicated to residential real estate 

With Finioo, you can automate the entire screening process and focus on tenants who best meet your requirements!
